An Otter Family Album, Postscript

Compiled by
J Scott Shannon

JSS, August 2003

This webpage will always be a work-in-progress. What I have here now barely scratches the surface of all I've learned from these otters. I plan to add many more chapters as time goes on, so check back every once in a while to see if there's something new here. I hope you enjoyed meeting my otters! It's a treat I always enjoy sharing with others.

Thank you for visiting!


For all the latest news, please visit my otter weblog!

Articles and Papers:

(March 17, 2008) Abstract: Summary of Research Findings

(November 21, 2007) Article: J. David Solf - Otter Research Pioneer

(February 14, 2005) Article: How I Identify Individual Otters

(November 30, 2002) Article: The Origin of the "River Otter"

(April 1, 2001) Manuscript: Behavioral Development of Otters

(October 2, 2008) Manuscript: Pinnipeds and Carnivores: Phyletic Relationships and Classification

Papers and Notes published in the IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin :

Behaviour of Otters in a Coastal Marine Habitat: Abstract of Work in Progress (1993)

Progress on California Otter Research: 1991 (1992)

Progress on Californian Otter Research (1991)

Social Organisation and Behavioural Ontogeny of Otters (Lutra canadensis) in a Coastal Habitat in Northern California (1989)

Notes published in the Proceedings of the VIIth International Otter Colloquium, Trebon, Czech Republic, Part III, 1998 :

Behavioral Development of Otters (Lutra canadensis) in a Marine Coastal Habitat (1998)

Generational Change in Affiliation Patterns in a Society of Marine Coastal Otters (Lutra canadensis) (1998)

Intrafamilial Killings in a Marine Coastal Population of Otters (Lutra canadensis) (1998)

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